The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: the firing of Juan Williams....

Re: the firing of Juan Williams....
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Sunday, October 24 2010, 1:18:45 (UTC)
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I was in a Black chat room yesterday and one even these house negroes came in there and saw there were few Muslims in there. The first thing he asked was "is this an Islam chatroom" and when he was told it was for everybody and it's called "religion room" he goes "oh thank God". His bigotry was immediately displayed so I wanted to feel him out. THe subject of Israel was brought up and he said "i back Israel 100% and would fight for them against Muslims". The Blacks in there got heated and started cursing him out and asking why he was on Israel so much, and I said "because he is a fucking Christian house nigger who hates Muslims". Of course, he justified his love for Israel by reminding us that his fucking Jesus is from Israel when he comes back it will be in Israel and that ass hole will kill and destroy all the evil people(meaning the non-Christians and the "fake Christians). I told him to read other books besides the Bible and that Christianity is a disease for coloured folks and bad for our health.

These house negroes are very stupid and irritating. Christianity makes them worse on top of all and is the reason why they behave that way. Just about every Black American know his great grandma was fucked by Jesus in order to bring Christianity into their blood yet you hear fat black bitches shouting "in the precious name of Jesus" I tell them I piss on Jesus and on all them prophets and assholes but Jesus first because he the biggest son of a bitch ever. Hitler a better person than him.


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