The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: this love-fest with the police....

Re: this love-fest with the police....
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Sunday, December 28 2014, 18:58:11 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Safari
Website title: Document Has Moved

"...police were also formed from the Pinkerton gangs and other thugs wealthy industrialists hired to break strikes...."

-- That's absolutely correct. A similar outfit -- less formal and more brutal -- than the Pinkerton Private Security was formed in Europe, specifically in Marseilles when during World War II Army Intelligence, District Attorney Thomas Dewy and Mobster Meyer Lansky made a deal to move Charlie "Lucky" out of prison and deport him to Sicily where the communists were avenging what Mussolini and the Fascists did to the Italian Left in the 1920s and were on their way to winning the war, and later the elections. The CIA organized Sicilian Mafiosi and Marseilles narco-gangsters to assassinate labor leaders and destroy the leftist labor movement in Sicily and Marseilles and ultimately ruled over the docks, from where they shipped high grain heroin to Batista's mob-run Cuba to Florida, under Boss Santo Trafficante; New Orleans, under Carlos Marcello; and of course, New York, under the Commission who's Capo di tutti capi (boss of bosses) was... Charlie "Lucky" Luciano living in comfortable exile in Sicily. Meanwhile Hoover was vehemently claiming that no such thing as a Mafia existed, while he was chasing "commies" in each and every corner of the U.S. Then in 1959, Joe Valachi sang like a canary, and from that point on there was no denying that a national organised criminal entity existed (actually international, considering the heroin supply from Marseilles "French Connection"), in addition to the exposure of Mafia outsourcing of funds and criminal activity to Cuba exposed by Fidel and the Cuban revolutionaries.


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