The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: those virgins...

Re: those virgins...
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 22:46:26 (CET)
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Yes, but it's you clowns who seem to be troubled by it not us. It's who has the problem with it obviously not me. We don't bragg about it nor do we have a problem with it. It's after life and not in this life. We don't compare Jannah with this life, simple as that. While you are pleased with this life and don't know your purpose here or even know the purpose of this life, we know our purpose here and we know what we were created for. We strive in this life to receive the good of the hereafter. So while you kidd yourself and wonder about the "virgin women", we know our purpose here. The funny thing is that the Quran mentioned this 1,400 years ago that by this part(women in paradise) it will be understood by many and others will have a problem with it, but only those in whose heart is a disease truly have a problem with it or struggle trying to understand it. We know that this life is not equivalent to the hereafter and do not even compare them. So yeah, it's our book that says it and we fully understand it, but it is you people who seem to struggle with it and not us, that's the funny part of it all.


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