The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Sam Harris debate....

Sam Harris debate....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Thursday, October 9 2014, 15:48:07 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
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Just finished watching one with William Craig in which Harris used the example of a Taliban father throwing acid in his daughter's face as the worst example of religious "morality" he could think of. In an aside he even admitted that the Taliban (meaning Islam) was his favorite example of morality gone wrong....he said the Muslim father certainly thought he was behaving according to the moral precepts of his religion, which is debatable since Muhammad never mentioned acid...but you know what he means...he means that while all religions are stupid and bad, Islam is the worst ever.

But you have to ask why the Taliban father was the worst religious example he could think about a Christian nation whose president said he was called upon by his god to wage war against Iraq and who in the process of Sanctions and what not, caused the death by starvation and disease of over 700,000 Iraqi children UNDER the age of five? Why didn't this example enter the head of the "scientific" Sam Harris....or what about Vietnam where this Christian nation killed over three million unoffending rice farmers and poisoned the land, air and water to this come these eamples, far greater in horror, illegality and numbers than anything the Taliban has done, why don't these examples pop into his head?

Why indeed. It isn't very scientific to overlook the boulder in your eye for the pebble across the way.


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