The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Strange

Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, November 30 2007, 5:26:43 (CET)
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I was doing some research and I came across the book by Dr John Joseph(he has a real phd)and I found it very interesting how he could back up his claims by solid facts, he had the referrences and his book is trustable and nothing like what the Aprims and others have produced. Wallahi, this Professor is very serious in his work and has no reason to do what he does other than sincerity and for the sake of truth. Unlike our boys who claim they been so persecuted "for their strong faith in Christ", this brother can back up his claims with facts. If one seriously takes a look at the claims by these fanatics who claim they are so persecuted, it is merely based on nothing but their own imagination. They think by using technical English terms and write professionally that they will be more trusted. The only people who believe such people are the naive and of course those who share the same political views. It is very convenient to scream "persecution" "indigenous people" etc and they think this will help them get their dream(Christiandia).

I, of course lived with these myths as well believing that we were killed in 1915 and 1933 for our religion, yet when seeing the status of Christians in Iraq, I was shocked about how well they lived. So after doing real research and looking into these alleged Islamic persecution against Christian Assyrians" I came to realize that what they are referring to is the above 2 incidents and even though they were sad events, they were not as a result of religion or ethnicity but rather the actions of certain indivuduals. So aparts from the above 2 incidents they could not bring anything else and the 2 incidents were not religuiously driven or else they would killed more and everywhere and not just in a certain area. They claim persecution, but in reality they have been persecuting themselves for almost 2000 years. There is a great deal of evidence in Dr John Joseph's book which show strong evidence that the Nestorians did not see themselves or call themselves "Assyrians" nor is there any evidence to link them directly with the "old Assyrians". Knowing the great history and achievements of the ancient Assyrians(which consisted of a variety of people), I find it difficult to understand how such a proud people could just simply forget, let go and trade in their culture, language, history, ethnic identity and everything else by just converting to a new religion.

People would be proud no matter what of their achievements and is amazing how there were no "Assyrians" in over 2000 years until the British and westerners named the Nestorians that. How can a direct descendants of an ancient civilization forget its identity for over 2000 years and need foreigners to tell them what they are, or is it more likely that they weren't direct descendants of the ancient Assyrians but rather the ancient disappeared and all we have today is people(not only the few Christians of Iraq) but that most of the modern day Iraqis share some ancient Assyrian blood or heritage? Because there is no evidence to link todays Nestorians with ancient Assyrians and the same people deny Chaldeans and Arameans their rights to claim something. Out of all the Syriac speaking people I still think that the Arameans of today have the most valid claims since they still remain in their area, they speak Aramaean and they didn't disappear to just recently reappear. So, I don't find Professor John Joseph as a sell out or being part of the anti "Assyrianism" conspiracy but rather he is using his logics and backing up his claims with proof; which is something Jumbo, and the others don't know much about. They think quoting themselves or other self made "authors" is providing proof.

Jumblat, you are very sorry and you not only couldn't meet the challenge by Pancho, but you couldn't even show a single Assyrian who did anything in the name of "Ashur" prior to ww1, and this further shows your true side. As my brother Pancho said, you people didn't expect the day that Guys like him, me, Dr Josephs and others who would take another step and ask you to back your claims. You people are no different that your Christian leaders and priests how when one questions them they respond with shock and say "haaa are you questioning me" and my answer will be "hell the fuck yes I am questioning you". We are not naive enough nor de we just swallow everything they tell us for we don't worship them or think that they receive their stuff from God but we know their true nature. The blackest day for you people was the day Prophet Muhammad(saaws) was born and the day people like Pancho appeared. So you boys are in reality at war with Islam but hiding under the name of "Assyria" but your gimic is being exposed and more are realizing it.

You will never know what persecution is, nor discrimmination because you people never experienced it. If Assyrians were so persecuted, and only managed to survive because they livedc in the mountains of Hakkarri for over 2000 years, how in the world did the Chaldeans(whom you guys claim are Assyrians)survive unharmed and prospered while living under Islam and with Arabs? The Chaldeans are far more than the Assyrians in number and the majority always lived in and around the ruins of Nineveh and other ancient cities, how did they manage to survive if they were truly persecuted, killed or forced to convert? why don't you people back up your claims with proof? why is it so hard to show evidence; in 1,400 years there has to be pleanty yet you people struggle with even 1. Shame shame, indeed. Your actions are the reason as to where you people are but it is sad that it is the innocent Christians in Iraq who have to suffer instead.


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