The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> The Barbarians

The Barbarians
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Thursday, December 6 2007, 19:45:35 (CET)
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The Barbarians at the gate.

Posted By: SOS
Date: Wednesday, 5 December 2007, at 10:23 p.m.

The barbarians at the gate.

The last fortress of the Assyrian nation is under attack. It is surrounded. The barbarians from different race and religions are united by their hate for the Assyria and the Assyrians and are trying to destroy the last base.

From the south, the Chado-Babilonian army, and from the east the Indio Europeans-Meds have descended on the last Assyrian camp. The barbarians are being helped with their 5th column within the Assyrian nation.

No, the year is not 612 BC and the last Assyrian fortress is not Nineveh.

The year is 2007 AD and the last Assyrian fortress is ACOE. ACOE is under attack and the same barbarians are at its gate, again.

The 612 BC and the 2007 AD events seem to be very similar. Even the players are almost the same. In 612 BC, all the important Assyrians Cities, including Ashur, were already overran and destroyed.

Nineveh fought to the end. The Assyrian Army and the royal family fought to the end. While some did escape, history has no record that any of them was captured alive. Surrender was not an option. They all died defending the last basin of the Assyrian nation.

The Barbarians are at the gate, again.

..of course you're supposed to think Muslims are the Barbarians...when it's the same old Christians who've been attacking BetNahrain since their last barbaric Crusades. America and Great Britain are the Barbarians this was Arabs and Islam who saved and preserved that region and the people in it, most of all the Christian heretics who are STILL looking to their Barbarian co=religionists to 'save" them...though that really isn't it...they know they aren't getting saved, that they're being destroyed instead..but that's okay with them cause they will be martyrs, the only profession for them...we have our faith in the Iraqi Freedom Fighters who will prevail in the end..then the re-building will start it always has after the Barbarian Christians are defeated.


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