The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> The Myth of Suicide Bombers

The Myth of Suicide Bombers
Posted by atheist (Guest) - Thursday, December 17 2009, 21:38:41 (CET)
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...If you think back to when this began in Israel proper with people, many of them women, resorting to such tactics because they couldn't approach a Jewish target or group with any other sort of bomb or weapon. It turned into a public relations bonanza for neo-cons who found something to demonize Muslims over.

And now they try to convince us that all these bombings in Iraq, Pakistan, India and anywhere else, are also the work of fanantical suicide bombers...willing to kill themselves just to get someone else.

But think about it....why would you resort to a suicide mission, killing yourself on a on a one-time deal...when you can easly throw bombs from a moving car or plant them the day before and detonate them remote control? Why would you strap a bomb onto yourself, and kill yourself, to bomb an open-air market...or a line of people at a bus stop...or a on crowded downtown street?

Suicide bombing came about because people couldn't get AT their targets without sneaking in, hiding bombs on their's a waste of man and womanpower, also slightly ditzy, to strap a bomb onto yourself just to walk into a crowd on a street...true insurgents don't waste themselves.

But people are more than willing to believe this nonsense because it "proves" to them that Muslims are etc etc and etc.

In reality it is Blackwater or the CIA or any number of private contractors who are setting off these explosives and blaming it on other words this is just more Christian violence directed at Muslims and then BLAMED on them too.


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