The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Where Were The Assyrians?

Where Were The Assyrians?
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Monday, December 3 2007, 21:52:47 (CET)
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For the last 1000 years where were the Assyrians? Did they claim to be the lineal descendants of the ancient Assyrians? Did they know who Ahiqar was? Did they remember Gilgamesh? Did they know that the Flood version in Genesis came from the Epic of Gilgamesh? Did they know that Noah and his Arc was a rip-off of Utnapishtim from the much earlier Gilgamesh Epic? Did they know who Shumirum was or only Ashurbanipal and only because he was listed in the Bible as Sardanapolus? Did they remember the thousands of tablets in the library of Ashurbanipal or did Europeans have to teach them all these things, down to deciphering their OWN language for them?

If they knew their history all along why weren’t they writing about it and expanding on it and teaching it to their young for the last 1000 years? Why is it STILL a mystery to them while they know all about Isaiah and Jonah? Why have they gloried in the few words thrown their way by yahwe while ignoring the thousands of words they should have remembered from their own thousands of clay tablets where the history of the Assyrians was written down…a more comprehensive and complete history than any other ancient people have left…and in their OWN language, written in real time, not centuries later from an oral tradition. Why were they willing to go from being the stars and heroes of their own epic history to acting as hoodlums for yahwe, sent by him to frighten and chastise his chosen people? Why did they settle for bit parts in someone else’s movie when they won all the Academy Awards back then?

Why, every time for the last 1000 years, has doing something “Assyrian” been limited to building churches…or doing missionary work? Where were the great historians and teachers of Assyrian history? Why did that come to be written only by Mor this and Mar that, limiting itself to recycled Jewish mythology, acts of martyrs and the insulting myth of Abgar? Where was all this Assyrian “pride” you now hear so much about?

The Europeans first introduced the term Chaldean and sent our Nestorians scrambling to outdo the new Catholics among them by calling themselves, not Assyrians, but Nestorian Chaldeans….as opposed to Catholic Chaldeans. It wasn’t until later, when the next batch of Euros came and discovered Assyrian ruins that Nestorian Chaldeans became Assyrians…go check the real historical record not what religio/nationalists claim. The new term “Chaldean” appeared 200 years before anyone started calling themselves Assyrian…and we know Chaldean was an invention of the popes…we keep telling them so, but they refuse to believe us…yet Assyrians don’t see or won’t admit that the same thing happened with them; that a later group of Europeans applied this term to them and they were just as happy to be fooled by it as our Chaldeans were earlier.

Assyrianism is a recent invention which tries to transform religious sects, murderously opposed to each other, into a politically conscious and soon-to-be-united-any-day-now-maybe-please “nation”…yet nothing in it, but the most lame strutting and blathering, is made of anything BUT religion. Nowhere can this be seen better than in the tacking on of the word “Assyrian” to the Church of the East….done in 19fucking76!


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