The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> before the smokescreen started...

before the smokescreen started...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Monday, November 26 2007, 23:35:14 (CET)
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...before MumboJumbo got sidetracked through several people's underpants and bedrooms and before we heard about that Imam outside of Addis Ababba who chopped all the trees down...and before we got stuck in the 15th century...we were discussing the fact that in the last century and in this one, Christian nations have been murdering each other and the rest of the world...killing upwards of 100 million people...and that nowhere in that time has anything even remotely close been engaged in by Muslim countries....Christian nations pride themselves on being "advanced"...if that means stealing and killing more than anyone else....well, it seems to go hand in hand with their pagan Christianity which teaches their young people to seek all the benefits and goods they can get at the cost of the lives of the Innocent; whether Jesus or Iraqi babies. to the sword on the Muslim flag...I think an actual miniature of a device of torture and murder; the Cross...placed on every Christian babies' neck as he or she goes out into the world to "evangelize" has proven a far greater symbol of murder than any sword on any flag. Certainly a Catholic priest understood that...and the world community agreed when a public outcry in support of Jews went out to block the proposed installation of a huge Cross in front of one of the death camps where hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed and cooked by the Jews and many others, that cross is not a symbol of love, or even of sacrifice, unless it is the love of violence and the blood of countless innocent victims to Christian violence and hatred...the Cross is what it is; simply an instrument of torture and murder...and no one wants to fall under its shadow except those who agree to steal the cloaks of their victims.


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