The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> cut to the chase..

cut to the chase..
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Friday, December 7 2007, 23:13:14 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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..what Jumbo Beth-Shlimon is really saying can be boiled down to this: we are assyrians because we say we are assyrians...and since we've told some other people we are...and they believed us unthinkingly, it proves they know we are assyrians...and since they say we are assyrians,,,,we must be assyrians.

..what I'm saying boils down to this: no we're not...not if it means being assyrians means being christian. Since Muslim Iraqis far outnumber Christian Iraqis..and since all Iraqis, irrespective of religion, are equally descended from the ancients..and since what the Christians say is the only version of "Assyrianism" THEY accept and therefore isn't binding on anyone else...then Muslim Assyrians far outnumber Christian Assyrians and it is therefore meaningless to talk about "give us our rights and our land back"....the land is ALREADY in the possession of its rightful, Assyrian-descended Muslim owners...who happened to have preferred Islam to Christians will just have to get over it...Muslims have.


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