The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> hey I reemember that

hey I reemember that
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Sunday, January 15 2012, 3:07:20 (UTC)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
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That Jew, Bet-Shlimon, also told us to move to Saudi Arabia because we were criticizing his "christian US." I am not sure if they notice how silly they sound when they say that and how it's the opposite of what Ameruka suppose to be, but then again, I think this is how Ameruka suppose to be. A bunch of fascists who want everyone to be alike, and if not, then get da hell out as they say. I remember riding the bus in Berlin and some old German fuck decides to go off on me for letting my little brother sit in the handicapped section. He tells me that not only do we "turks" come to their country but no we stealing his "seats" too, and a German girl went off at him and told him he needs to shut the fuck up, and what does he tell her? "oh yeah, then why don't marry a turk and see what will happen to you. Why don't you move to Turkey then?" This is how Americans are too except dumber and even worse. Even the racists among Germans were better than the "decent americans" and they were at least not so ignorant like their bastards in America who will tell you "my mom is Irish and my father is cherokee/german." He is a bastard in reality who doesn't know what the hell he is and he lives in a toilet with a US flag outside his toilet.


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