The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> question

Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Wednesday, November 28 2007, 20:38:58 (CET)
from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

So, if these people behave like this with their forums and web sites, how would they be if they were in charge of a country or had a government? As I have always said before Islam and afterwards, no one has given us more freedom than Muslims, and no one has hurt or damaged us more than ourselves. They blame others for their screw ups when it is they who hurt themselves. This kind of behavior shows that not only would Muslims and others not be able to live under them, yet one has to even agree and cooperate with every single detailed agenda or view that they have. For God's sake Ashur Banipal use to hunt lions for fun and these people fear a different view or belief. Sad but this right here is already enough to see where these people are and how non Christians and anyone who doesen't even agree with them will be in trouble. There are some who have declared other Assyrians as infidelf for not rejecting Christianity but even disagreeing with their political views, and Mancho wants to bluff himself with his "we welcome all Assyrians".


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