A friend's impressions...

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Posted by Jeff from LTU-207-73-64-49.LTU.EDU ( on Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 8:22AM :

...of Germany.

My friend just got back from a 2 week trip. I asked her if the trip changed her "world view". She said "yes", and explained to me that in Germany everybody has a completely different mindset than in the US.

She thought the people were all nicer, and the actual country was more beautiful... more natural, etc. She also explained that in Germany they legalized prostitution, recognizing that it IS the world's first profession, and with legalization comes regulations, which can be good and bad. Apparently the prostitutes get health care benefits, etc. like any other working fool gets. I suppose it is better to realize that you can't stop something and to legalize and regulate it than to let it get out of control illegally. I'm sure those women are living better lives than their counterparts in America.

Also, she said that their public transportation takes you just about anywhere... something that you will never find in cities like Detroit where the big 3 auto companies bought out the bus and transit systems years ago and put them out of business intentionally. In Germany you have big car companies and public transit coexisting. She also said that the rail system is on an "honor system" where they don't always check to see if you have your ticket... something, again, that could NEVER happen in the US.

The only thing that she didn't really like was how apologetic the Germans were... just looking at their museums and monuments.. "sorry!"... about the holocaust, etc. but that's understandable considering just what they did.

Maybe I'll pay Andreas a visit if I ever go to Germany. You suppose he would drink some Chai with me? You think he puts "Heel" in it?

-- Jeff
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