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=> Dummy Days

Dummy Days
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, May 6 2004, 3:45:44 (CEST)
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that`s what the weeks ahead are gong to be...up to the date when the Americans leave Iraq to fester some more so they`ll get their new wave of Terrorists we`ll all go broke again paying them to protect us from.

Silly stories like Bush being SHOCKED there is such a thing as prisoner abuse when he smirked and mimicked the pain and fear of a woman to be put to death in his state...he KNOWS all about it and knew it and expected it...but Dummy Days are when Americans, so thoroughly disgusted with themseloves and disillusioned...the more die-hard the more desperate..will NEED to believe he didn`t know because THEY elevated him almost above Lincoln in their dim minds.

It won`t be difficult at all to prove to Americans that a few rogues were to blame..that every barrel has some rotten apples but you still eat pie etc. They just as badly needed to believe there were WMDs because their America with god on its side would NEVER be so crass and murderous...there MUST have been WMDs and if there aren`t any..we don`t want to be reminded...a very easy nation to lead by the nose.

Then there`s the heartwarming beth they were peeing in delight at a story about how an American medical unit is trying ,real hard, to save the life of an Iraqi girl who has cancer. They say themselves this is what they LIKE to do...they don`t mean by that save Iraqi children`s lives of which they took half a million healthy ones-..they mean they LIKE the photo op...they like having a kid to coo over..even though they killed her brother and mother...people are desperate to assign some "good" to this thing---

...they kiled 500,000 children that can be laid directly at their doorstep...a number of dead children never matched anywhere in Iraq..a country that had the best medical care of the region and better than most of the United States..if Saddam was always a palace building nut...he was also someone who saw to it that the hospitals of Iraq were well supplied and people had the best medical care available..the only new factor was the theft of Iraqis resources, the freezìng of its assets and the inhumane food-for-shit program and dual-use...all meant to "soften up" the Iraqi PEOPLE..just as the militay used special means to render prisoners "more forthcoming" during butt-fucking them..they did the same to the parents of Iraq for 13 years..with the blessings of the boys...and it WILL be remembered...if the boys NEVER FORGET..neither do Muslim Assyrians.

Of course the one thing that gooey self-serving article didn`t say was where the girl got her cancer in the first place...I`d bet there`s a fifty-fifty chance she got that from the United States too...depleted uranium playgrounds anyone?


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