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=> Is It My Imagination...

Is It My Imagination...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 14 2004, 0:32:04 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...or is Hannabanana posting a lot more at aina then he had time for before? And have some new names been added...posts by people who sound a bit different...a bit more coherent..though all of them are hidebound Christians using an Assyrian front?

The utter jerks of yesteryear are gone...I guess even they figured out they were hurting their cause more than helping it..where is NY from New Jersey...where is Dooz..I know they are the same...and where are five or six others who used to cross our eyes with their Engrish?

And why is Hannabanana over at aina so much now...with his traingles and such? He wasn`t even born in Iraq and until recently could have cared less what happened to it so long as it was destroyed...for Christ. Why isn`t he postingn these things at beth where he modulates? Beth is more Hannabanana what`s the deal?

I think another of their "strategies" was to chase and insult and bannish everyone away so that when people hunt around for things "Assyrian" on the net..they come up with these Turkeys who planned on being the ones to define the concept of Assyrian to the entire world...and what a humiliating thing they`d have made of it too..if they went unopposed.

I don`t want to toots me own horn but I post 1000 times as many posts as any 100 of them...and it has them worried. Not only that but I`m also the one who made that monument and the other one and the only Assyrian who isn`t Christian and proud of it..who also has an art site, not a tatoo parlor...that has more Assyrian art on it than all the rest of them unglued also the one who took that skunky professor on for a debate while they sat it out. This too has them worried..for if the world were to judge by deeds and not words...I would appear to be the one proud of my heritage...and if it should measure you by the number of words...I still beat them all out...all put together..and if it should choose to weigh sheer volume of words..I STILL beat them dicks down.

In no standard of measurement do they beat me out EXCEPT they pray to a jew carpenter and I don`t...they cheered on the destruction of Iraq because it is Muslim and I did not...they are intent on keeping silent when our people are killed by Christians and yelling their fool heads off when a Muslim kills one of us and I yell when ANY of us are killed by ANYONE.

So..whether it`s how much you talkalot..or what you create...they`re outmanned and outgunned and they know it..and what`s worse..they know others know it.

They`ve got themselves in a bind now...while they can think of nothing new to say...while they get excited over tea with Bush...while all their breathless reports about a new future get the wind knocked out of them the next day...I go on writing and wriitng and writing..and that`s ONE Assyrian writer..and we all know Assyrians were great writers and ONE Assyrian writer could wipe out any forty Christian ones because he`s writing for his family and Heritage..and they haven`t even got forty..they haven`t ten...they haven`t seven. There are about five of them and the majority of those just place clippings from elsewhere they think will "Show them!"

If they stop writing...while I go right on...because I am an Assyrian...they`ll look like they "lost"...and yet they don`t dare come out in the open and take me on because they know they can`t manage it. So what oh what do they do? Repeat and repeat and hope no one notices..that when people surf by they`ll think there`s some activity in Assria..that we aren`t the only ones with something to in reality I run their forums for`s the easiest thing in the world to defeat these simply use the material they hand you on a platter..and you whack them silly with it...and the damn fools can`t stop, even if they want to..and they can`t ruin anything for me as their final we just get to watch them blather till they keel over...and these few new names won`t last long either.

triangle my ass.


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