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=> Up a river without an index....

Up a river without an index....
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 31 2004, 16:34:00 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I can picture him now...Aprim, the Buffoon of Assyria, feverishly looking through the index of every book on his one book bookshelf...there HAS to be some way to deflect Tiglath`s latest, and very orderly, posts...his readers are awaiting him...all Christians are looking down, to where Aprim lives.

What will he do...what will he can he claim to not have the time to respondses when he`s there every minute waiting to pounce..only this time he can`t pounce cause he`ll land all OVER hisself!

...we are waiting...Mr Fred. you realize how masterfully Tiglath played them like a broken record...patiently drawing them out further and furhter, especially Aprim who got sidetracked by the decoy issue of Kurds being Italians or whatever it was that made him feel he HAD cleverly Tiglath allowed Aprim to fluff himself up and be petted and stroked as a champion of FACTS and Prooves...only to confront the pompous, overweenie horse`s ass with the rope he can hang himself with...the rope he BEGGED for himself.

Truly inspiring...

..and we are still waiting...Mrrrrrr. Frrrrreddddddddd.


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