The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> simple, simple, simple

simple, simple, simple
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 8 2004, 14:06:19 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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No one who ever relied on Britain or America and put himself or herdelf or themselves at risk for America hoping to benefit thereby ever got anything but the shaft. For the Kurds to be pinning htier hopes for a Kurdistan on the United States tells you all you need to know wabout the liklihood of their ever being a Kurdistan...No one depends on a US Corporation to "take care of them" either. These people are in the "person using mode" and always will be...just look at how they treat and use and dispose of their own employees and you`ll se about what you can expect...but in the letter of Talabani and Barzani...who sound more and more like a circus act gone bad...there is a simple kernal of truth...

"Our fate is too closely linked to your fortunes in Iraq. If the forces of freedom prevail elsewhere in Iraq, we know that, because of our alliance with the United States, we will be marked for vengeance."

...never were truer words fact, if America whispers in your ear that they are your special allies and friends and want to help while you can. The Kurds will get it in the end, so will the Christians and the rest of the people already know what to expect. By considering themselves "other" and privilleged to know, The Man...whether as Kurds or "Assyrians"...while they watched the "Iraqis" getting it and pretending bombs ad disease and starvation and filth will pass them by...these Sillies maintained the fiction that America was THEIR particular friend..wouldn`t do to them what is was doing to ALL Iraqis...when all along they were ALL being targeted and killed anyway, some now and in this way, others later and in that way, still others saved for a later day and place and circumstances whereas if they saw themselves as one people they would have quickly realized that to America they were ALL one problem to be dealt with in various self-serving ways...a little opportunism doesn`t even go a short way.


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