The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> stiffo stiffens

stiffo stiffens
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 15:55:09 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Re: Two Assyrian Children killed by mother about, "Half a Million Killed By America" ???

Posted By: George Stifo (
Date: Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 8:34 a.m.

In Response To: Two Assyrian Children killed by mother *PIC* (Paul Younan)

It is extremely hard to comprehend how a mother can take away the life of her own children. May God rest the soul of these angels and give strength to the family in these days. fucking hypocrite! Why is it hard? Aren`t those OUR people dying in Iraq? In a world that flinched not a bit when 5000 children a MONTH were being killed in long, lingering deaths...when the doctors there and the Red Cross said they were dying in filth and agony because not even aspirin was available to ease their pain..which of you wrote a blessing on their heads? Instead of even that..or keeping silent out of respect for their pain and suffering and that of their families, you Christian assholes begged for MORE Sanctions and parrotted every assinine line America put out about how it was Saddam`s fault they were dying. Why? Why are these two innocent as any in Iraq and "only" half Assyrian...why is their pain and suffering for only a few moments...and the tragic loss of their lives a tragedy at all and something you must put on a forum and weep over..when 500,000 Assyrian children ON BOTH SIDES...many of them Christian, were murdered in cold blood.

You make me sick, you and Paul with your pious cant. Shove your tears up your people have no heart and no use everything that comes to hand to appear to be decent people when you`re among the lowest and most disgusting I`ve ever seen..people who cheer on the murder of their own kind...over a god of "love".


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