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=> god-awful god

god-awful god
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, November 21 2004, 20:54:47 (CET)
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...reading, "Balkan Ghosts" and trying to make sense of that tortured region. Anywhere Islam met Christianity there has been unbelievable hatred...there is where you see god stripped and bare...a lying, theiving, killing god who's forced to "reveal" himself for the bloodscuker he is. I only thought of Christian vs Muslim...I forgot that "Christian" is there divided into Western and Eastern...Roman and Orthodox...who have their own bloody cruelties so that not only two bloody groups face off but three! And never mind the ethnic soup that only turns the flame up hotter.

Consider that in the West...where the church reigned supreme after killing all pagans and raping their children to Christ..this holy church split into two bloody factions, Catholic and Protestant, so that not even when Christ rules unopposed will there ever be any peace...and just to take it all to bloody hell, Protestantism split into countless minor factions each and all of them murderously convinced they are closest to god....till we managed to produce the Evangelical Born-again NeoConjobs who consider themselves the ONLY ones to get it right...and they now face Zionist nuts and Islamic crazies who perfectly mirror their own fanaticism and ignorance...Barbarism under the guise of that desert Fuck of a god Yahwe is threatening the entire planet...

This "One-God" business has given license and scope to Humanity's worst this scenario the children become the targets of choice for they will grow to breed "error"...and not just any old error but the error of "Evil"...simply because one will pray in one direction and the rest to different points of the compass. There is no tolerance in this one-god business...only hatred barely disguised.

This is a lesson we forgot that Europe learned the hard way and taught to our Founding Fathers...only they didn't go far enough. This revival will fail for it breeds it's own destruction because it is rife with lies and hypocrisy and meanness and smallness of mind and spirit...only the next time, for all Humanity's sake, let's not only tax the shit out of the motherfuckers but refuse them the ability to "teach" anything but their mindless more using math and literature and science as a cover for their religious indoctrination and hate-mongering in the name of "love" and divine cannibalism.

kill god before he kills you.


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