Papacy |
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Assyrian Hanif
- Wednesday, June 18 2008, 21:28:46 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
At the top of the Roman Catholic hierarchy is the Pope, said to be the successor of the Apostle Peter. The entire framework of Roman Catholicism is based on the claim that Peter was Rome’s first bishop. Scriptures show that an equality among members of the Church. Christ, not the Pope, “is the head of the Church.” (Ephesians 5:23) Religious hierarchies are not godly, and condemned by Christ, (Mark 10: 35-43.) We are not to use the flattering title “Father” (the word Pope means father), Rabbi or master, because we are all brethren, (Mathew 23 4-10.) The scripture says that Christ not Peter, is the Rock upon which the Church is to be built, (Mathew 16:18.) Peter himself declared that Christ was the foundation rock, I Peter 2 : 4-8.). The Church was built on Christ, (Acts 4: 11-12; I Corinthians 3: 11.). Not until the time of Calixtus, who was Bishop of Rome from A. D. 218-223, was )Mathew 16: 18) used in an attempt to prove the Church was built upon Peter. Peter was not a Pope! He was married, (Mathew 8:14; I Corinthians 9:5). Peter would not allow men to bow down to him, (Acts 10:25-26). Peter did not place tradition on a level with the word of God. (I Peter 1:18). On the day of Pentecost, Peter did not ask people to have a little water poured on them, but “Repent and be baptized (immersed) everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost [Spirit],” (Acts 2:38). Peter was no Pope, for he wore no crown; he was looking forward to the crown of Glory at the resurrection, (I Peter 5:4). In short, Peter never acted like a Pope, never dressed like a Pope, never spoke like a pope, never wrote like a Pope, and people did not approach him as a Pope. As shown on Pentecost, Peter did take a prominent position of leadership in the early Church. His name is always listed first among the apostles, (Mathew 10:2; Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13). But, Paul was not behind the chiefest of the apostles, (II Corinthians 12:11). Peter, James, and John were pillars in Church, (Galatians 2:9). Paul wrote 2,325 verses of the New Testament, while Peter wrote only 166 verses. Paul stood up to Peter when he was to be blamed, (Galatians 2:11). This would be strange were Peter an “infallible” Pope! Paul was called “The Apostle of the Gentiles,” (Romans 11:13) Whereas Peter’s ministry was primarily to the Jews, (Galatians 2: 7-9). Rome was the chief Gentile city. It is likely that the Apostle Peter never went to Rome, even though tradition says he did (A.D. 42-67). In 44, Peter was in 2 Jerusalem at the Council; about 53, Paul joint him in Antioch (Galatians 2:11). About A.D. 58, Paul wrote his letter to the Christians at Rome, greeting twenty-seven persons, but never mentions Peter. Where the name Peter originated from? In early ancient Assyria, the Supreme Pontiff of Paganism bore the title “Patkhana” (An Assyrian word, meaning opener or interpreter of the mysteries). “Peter” is a Latin word equaling “Patkhana” which in Hebrew is translated “Openeth” in verses like Exodus 13:2. From Pergamos on the west coast of what is now Turkey, the headquarters of Paganism shifted to Rome. In 63 B.C., Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was officially recognized as the “Pontifex Maximus.” Subsequent Roman Emperors continued to be heads of the mystery religion until A.D. 378, when Demasus, bishop of Rome, was elected Pontifex Maximus. SUBSEQUENT POPES HAVE CONTINUED TO HOLD THIS PAGAN TITLE. In Mithraism, one of the main branches of mystery religions which came to Rome, the Sun-God (one of the early ancient Assyrian gods) carried two keys. Romans believed in Janus, who held keys. Keys are symbolic of the authority to open and close. “Pontiff” is the one who can open and shut doors. In Mathew 16:19, Christ said, “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” The key given to the disciples was the message of the gospel, whereby people could enter the kingdom of God, according to the Bible. In pagan religion, however, the keys represented religious rulership over the people, which is contrary to the Bible. The head priest of Mithraism in Rome was called the “Pater Patrum” or Father of Fathers, exactly as the title of the Pope (Papa). Vestments of the Roman clergy are direct legacies from Pagan Rome. Dagon, the early ancient Assyrian Fish-God (Also, Dag or Daque in Hebrew means fish), was popular among the heathen Philistines, (Judges 16:21-30; Samuel 5:5-6). The ancient Assyrian priests and healers had a fish miter on their head, and a fan-like tail of a fish as part of their garments, just like the pope and Catholic leaders do today. Processions of the Pope, being carried on a chair in full regalia with giant feather fan, are copied from Egyptian priest-king processions. It is no secret that many Popes in the Middle Ages were some of the most sexually vile, evil, wicked, murderous individuals of all time. Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) was singularly wicked, who said “to enjoy oneself and to 3 lie carnally with women or with boys is no more a sin than rubbing one’s hands together.” Yet, this was the Pope who in 1302 issued the well-known Unam Sanctum which officially declared that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true Church, outside of which no one can be saved, and says, “We, therefore, assert, define and pronounce, that it is necessary to salvation to believe that every human being is subjected to the Pontiff of Rome.” Should a sinful Pope be obeyed? Here is the official Catholic affirmation: “A sinful pope….remains a member of the church and is to be treated as a sinful, unjust ruler for whom we must pray, but from whom we may not withdraw our obedience,” Catholic Encyclopedia, article “Councils,” P. 435. The Truth is, that salvation is not dependent upon a line of wicked men who claim to trace their authority back to Peter. Who or what is Peter Simon? Peter Simon is only a mistake in translation from Assyrian to Latin then back to the other languages. How did this happen? During the Biblical times, people were well aware not to mention the Biblical God’s name. among the Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people, was prohibited, even today the Orthodox Jews do not mention the word God. In their writings, they simply put a hyphen between letter G and D (G-d) and in their verbal communications they use word Ha’Sham (That Name), which in Arabic and Persian is Hashem (That Name). In Assyrian is “O’Shema which means that name, the name “Shemoun” cannot be found in any text, papyrus or tablet before the story of the Christ and his disciples, So “Shemoun Keepa” (Peter Simon) very simply gets translated as “his name is covered.” The word “Keepa” means covering and since ancient times people were in the habit of hiding their valuables under a rock so eventually the word “Keepa” was understood as a “Rock.” The correct word for rock in Assyrian is “Ghaya” because it’s rigid and it comes from the word “Ghevya,” means lacking flexibility. Shemoun Keepa was mistakenly translated as Peter Simon since Peter is known as rock in Latin. When the Biblical stories were getting translated back to the other languages a proper story harmonized with the name. In the end Peter Simon’s faith was compared to a rock and the Christianity was based on him. 4 Popes Infallible Although six Popes rejected the idea that Popes are infallible, in 1870, the Vatican Council nevertheless made papal infallibility a church dogma. This teaching says that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks and defines a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the entire church, that he is infallible, and consequently such decisions are irreformable. However, Pope after Pope contradicted previous Popes. And, Popes have taken to themselves lofty titles, such as “Most Holy Lord,” “Vicar of Christ,” “the mouth of Jesus Christ.” Etc. On June 20, 1894, Pope Leo XIII said, “We hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty.” As early as 1612, Andreas Helwing pointed out in his book, Roman Antichrist, that the title “Vicar of Christ” in Latin, Vicarivs Filli Dei, has a numerical value of 666 (see Revelation 13:18). Numerous other names and titles add up to the same auspicious number. The original name of Rome was Saturnia, the secret name revealed only to initiates of the early ancient Assyrian magicians and astronomers (The Chaldeans) mysteries, which it was spelled STUR. In their language, S represent 60, T was 400, U was 6, and R was 200, for a total of 666. In the Bible itself, we read that each year, King Solomon received 666 talent of gold, (I Kings 10:14) wealth played an important part in leading him astray. In the New Testament, the letters of the Greek word euporia, translated “wealth,” in Acts 19:25, add up to 666, as does the word paradosis, translated “tradition” in Mathew 15:2. Wealth and tradition were the two great corruptors of the Roman Church, then and now. Wealth corrupted practice and honesty; tradition corrupted doctrine. Inquisition, Then and Now Numerous Popes promulgated “bulls,” official documents, which encouraged torture and murder of those who opposed the Roman Catholic religious system. The methods of gruesome torture devised during the period of the Inquisition are a testimony to the corrupt influence of Satanically inspired human beings apart from God. Ten thousands Huguenots (French Protestants) were killed in the bloody Paris massacre on “St. Bartholomew’s Day,” 1572. The French King went to mass to return solemn thanks that so many “heretics” were slain. The Papal court rejoiced at the news, and Pope Gregory XIII in grand procession, went to the Church of St. Louis to offer 5 thanks. Inquisitions was ordered by Papal decree and confirmed by Pope after Pope. This does not detract from Hitler’s Pope. Pius XII, who abetted the Nazi regime. Hitler would never come to power had it not been for Vatican support along with the support of the Zionist Rothschild in creation a state for Israel (A reverse physiological politics.) While the uninformed Jews alongside the innocent ones, and others died in Nazi concentration camps, the Pope and Zionists who knew what was going on were silent. And after the war, the church with it’s Zionist partners were instrumental in helping Nazis to escape via the infamous “ratlines.” In order to save their dirty secret from exposing. There appears to be nothing new, no change of heart, in the Roman system. Repentance, not political apologies, is the only avenue for those enmeshed in the Romish system of Babylon (Zionist Vatican.) The way to repent for Papists is to renounce the Babylonish system, to come out of her. “Lords over God’s Heritage” The highest-ranking officials of the Roman Catholic Church, next to the Pope, are Cardinals. You won’t find Cardinals mentioned in the Bible. The Original Cardinals were a group of leading priests in ancient Pagan religion of Rome. Long before the Christian era. The word “Cardinal” comes from the Latin Cardo, meaning “hinges,” Cardo was used as Caldo for the Assyrians who were converted to Catholicism, because hinges turned the Catholicism’s door toward Middle and near East. Even today, the word “Janitor.” A keeper of doors, comes from Janus, known as “the opener and shutter.” As we are told in the Bible, only Christ opens and shuts doors, (Revelation 3:7-8.) Hislop reports, “The college of Cardinals, with the Pope at its head, is just the counterpart of the pagan college of Pontiffs, with its Pontifex Maximus, or Sovereign Pontiff, which is known to have been framed on the model of the grand original council of Pontiffs at Babylon.” Cardinals wear red garments. It not surprising that images of Chaldeans had vermillion (bright red). From ancient Assyrian times, red or scarlet has been associated with sin, (Isaiah 1:18) Adultery is sometimes called the scarlet sin, and houses of prostitutions are in the “red light district.” Bishops are mentioned in the Bible, but here again, are mentioned in the Bible, but here again, Catholics traditions perverts the Truth. The word, Cathedral,” comes from cathedra, meaning “throne.” A cathedral, unlike other churches, is one in which the throne of a bishop is located. Acts (Acts 20:17, 28; Titus 1:5,7) indicates that bishops, elders, pastors, overseers, are 6 the same office. Each Church had several elders who were also bishops. We are warned to avoid the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, Which comes from the word nikao, “to conquer,” and laos, “laity,” which refers to the notion of a priestly order over the people. Peter instructs church leaders not to be “lords over God’s heritage,” (I Peter 5:1-3.) The word translated “heritage” is kleeron, which means “clergy.” All spirit-begotten children of Ashur(God) are his heritage. His “clergy.” God has ministry for all his people, not just a special priestly class. Elders (plural) are to be ordained in every city, (Acts 14:19-23; James 5:14). We believers are a royal priesthood, (Revelation 1:6; I Peter 2:9.) We are not to give flattering titles to religious leaders, (Job 32:21; Mathew 23:9-12.) “Pope” is a variation of the title “father,” Catholic priests are called “fathers.” And so it was that in one of the leading branches of the mystery religion which came to Rome, Mithraism, the priests were called “fathers,” and the head priest who always lived at Rome was called Pater Patrum, “fathers of fathers.” Since Christ told Christians not to call religious leaders “Father,” and pagan priests of Rome used this title, did the Catholics get this practice from the Bible, or from paganism? The Bible gives an example of a pagan priest being called “Father,” (Judges 17:10). Catholics use the title, “Monsignor,” meaning “My Lord.” One of the meaning of “Arch” is master, and Catholics use titles such as Archbishop, Archpriest, and Archdeacon. Not to be outdone, English clergy uses titles such as “The Reverend,” “The Right Reverend,” etc,. while the Bible uses “reverend” only in reference to God Himself, (Psalm 111:9.) Sexual excess goes hand in hand with celibacy. Strange as it sounds, it is said that the Queen Shamiram [(Queen Semiramis.), against to some historical rumors, she was not in love with the Armenian king or any other individual. She stayed unmarried till her dead.] invented clerical celibacy. [ Nun is another clerical celibacy adopted from Semiramis story by the Catholics. (I personally have a great respect, above and beyond for the Nuns, because of their hard work in serving poor, ill, and elderly, regardless their religion or nationality] When the worship of Cybele, the Babylonian Goddess, was introduced into pagan Rome, it came in its primitive form, with its celibate clergy. As in pagan times, temple celibates were actually involved in licentious sexual practices. “Forbidding to marry” led to sexual license. This has shown its ugly head many times during the history of the Roman Catholic Church, although doubtless, many priests and Nuns have been faithful to their vows 7 of celibacy. Forbidding priests and Nuns to marry (contrary to I Timothy 4: 1-3), along with the practice of the confessional was bound to cause some weak individuals to sin. There is a tremendous power that a priest has over someone that is bound to divulge their sins to a priest, a practice held to be necessary for salvation. The Bible says we should confess our faults one to another (James 5:16) not to a priest. The idea of confessing to a priest came, not from the Bible, but from Babylon. Secret confession was required before complete initiation was granted into the Babylonian mysteries. Such priestly confession was practiced in Medo-Persia, Egypt, and Rome, long before the Christian Era. Almost everywhere you look at the Romish system, you find pagan origins. Even the usual black color of clergy garments worn by priests and some protestants, follows the custom of the priests of Baal, chemarims, who wore black garments (Zephaniah 1:4; II kings 23:5). As Adam Clarke notes, they were called kemarim, from camar (Komour in Assyrian), which means black. He says that Jews today call Christian missionaries Kemarim, because of their black cloths and garments. Another practice of the Catholic priesthood is that of tonsure, the rite of shaving the top of the head in a round circle. Sumerian Priests, Buddhists priests, the priests of Osiris of Egypt, Priests of Bacchus, and Mithra priests, also practiced tonsure, the round tonsure imitating a solar disk. Such was forbidden of God’s people, “They shall not make baldness upon their head,” (Leviticus 21:5, 19:27). David Gavary Los Angeles, Ca, Papacy At the top of the Roman Catholic hierarchy is the Pope, said to be the successor of the Apostle Peter. The entire framework of Roman Catholicism is based on the claim that Peter was Rome’s first bishop. Scriptures show that an equality among members of the Church. Christ, not the Pope, “is the head of the Church.” (Ephesians 5:23) Religious hierarchies are not godly, and condemned by Christ, (Mark 10: 35-43.) We are not to use the flattering title “Father” (the word Pope means father), Rabbi or master, because we are all brethren, (Mathew 23 4-10.) The scripture says that Christ not Peter, is the Rock upon which the Church is to be built, (Mathew 16:18.) Peter himself declared that Christ was the foundation rock, I Peter 2 : 4-8.). The Church was built on Christ, (Acts 4: 11-12; I Corinthians 3: 11.). Not until the time of Calixtus, who was Bishop of Rome from A. D. 218-223, was )Mathew 16: 18) used in an attempt to prove the Church was built upon Peter. Peter was not a Pope! He was married, (Mathew 8:14; I Corinthians 9:5). Peter would not allow men to bow down to him, (Acts 10:25-26). Peter did not place tradition on a level with the word of God. (I Peter 1:18). On the day of Pentecost, Peter did not ask people to have a little water poured on them, but “Repent and be baptized (immersed) everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost [Spirit],” (Acts 2:38). Peter was no Pope, for he wore no crown; he was looking forward to the crown of Glory at the resurrection, (I Peter 5:4). In short, Peter never acted like a Pope, never dressed like a Pope, never spoke like a pope, never wrote like a Pope, and people did not approach him as a Pope. As shown on Pentecost, Peter did take a prominent position of leadership in the early Church. His name is always listed first among the apostles, (Mathew 10:2; Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13). But, Paul was not behind the chiefest of the apostles, (II Corinthians 12:11). Peter, James, and John were pillars in Church, (Galatians 2:9). Paul wrote 2,325 verses of the New Testament, while Peter wrote only 166 verses. Paul stood up to Peter when he was to be blamed, (Galatians 2:11). This would be strange were Peter an “infallible” Pope! Paul was called “The Apostle of the Gentiles,” (Romans 11:13) Whereas Peter’s ministry was primarily to the Jews, (Galatians 2: 7-9). Rome was the chief Gentile city. It is likely that the Apostle Peter never went to Rome, even though tradition says he did (A.D. 42-67). In 44, Peter was in 2 Jerusalem at the Council; about 53, Paul joint him in Antioch (Galatians 2:11). About A.D. 58, Paul wrote his letter to the Christians at Rome, greeting twenty-seven persons, but never mentions Peter. Where the name Peter originated from? In early ancient Assyria, the Supreme Pontiff of Paganism bore the title “Patkhana” (An Assyrian word, meaning opener or interpreter of the mysteries). “Peter” is a Latin word equaling “Patkhana” which in Hebrew is translated “Openeth” in verses like Exodus 13:2. From Pergamos on the west coast of what is now Turkey, the headquarters of Paganism shifted to Rome. In 63 B.C., Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was officially recognized as the “Pontifex Maximus.” Subsequent Roman Emperors continued to be heads of the mystery religion until A.D. 378, when Demasus, bishop of Rome, was elected Pontifex Maximus. SUBSEQUENT POPES HAVE CONTINUED TO HOLD THIS PAGAN TITLE. In Mithraism, one of the main branches of mystery religions which came to Rome, the Sun-God (one of the early ancient Assyrian gods) carried two keys. Romans believed in Janus, who held keys. Keys are symbolic of the authority to open and close. “Pontiff” is the one who can open and shut doors. In Mathew 16:19, Christ said, “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” The key given to the disciples was the message of the gospel, whereby people could enter the kingdom of God, according to the Bible. In pagan religion, however, the keys represented religious rulership over the people, which is contrary to the Bible. The head priest of Mithraism in Rome was called the “Pater Patrum” or Father of Fathers, exactly as the title of the Pope (Papa). Vestments of the Roman clergy are direct legacies from Pagan Rome. Dagon, the early ancient Assyrian Fish-God (Also, Dag or Daque in Hebrew means fish), was popular among the heathen Philistines, (Judges 16:21-30; Samuel 5:5-6). The ancient Assyrian priests and healers had a fish miter on their head, and a fan-like tail of a fish as part of their garments, just like the pope and Catholic leaders do today. Processions of the Pope, being carried on a chair in full regalia with giant feather fan, are copied from Egyptian priest-king processions. It is no secret that many Popes in the Middle Ages were some of the most sexually vile, evil, wicked, murderous individuals of all time. Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) was singularly wicked, who said “to enjoy oneself and to 3 lie carnally with women or with boys is no more a sin than rubbing one’s hands together.” Yet, this was the Pope who in 1302 issued the well-known Unam Sanctum which officially declared that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true Church, outside of which no one can be saved, and says, “We, therefore, assert, define and pronounce, that it is necessary to salvation to believe that every human being is subjected to the Pontiff of Rome.” Should a sinful Pope be obeyed? Here is the official Catholic affirmation: “A sinful pope….remains a member of the church and is to be treated as a sinful, unjust ruler for whom we must pray, but from whom we may not withdraw our obedience,” Catholic Encyclopedia, article “Councils,” P. 435. The Truth is, that salvation is not dependent upon a line of wicked men who claim to trace their authority back to Peter. Who or what is Peter Simon? Peter Simon is only a mistake in translation from Assyrian to Latin then back to the other languages. How did this happen? During the Biblical times, people were well aware not to mention the Biblical God’s name. among the Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people, was prohibited, even today the Orthodox Jews do not mention the word God. In their writings, they simply put a hyphen between letter G and D (G-d) and in their verbal communications they use word Ha’Sham (That Name), which in Arabic and Persian is Hashem (That Name). In Assyrian is “O’Shema which means that name, the name “Shemoun” cannot be found in any text, papyrus or tablet before the story of the Christ and his disciples, So “Shemoun Keepa” (Peter Simon) very simply gets translated as “his name is covered.” The word “Keepa” means covering and since ancient times people were in the habit of hiding their valuables under a rock so eventually the word “Keepa” was understood as a “Rock.” The correct word for rock in Assyrian is “Ghaya” because it’s rigid and it comes from the word “Ghevya,” means lacking flexibility. Shemoun Keepa was mistakenly translated as Peter Simon since Peter is known as rock in Latin. When the Biblical stories were getting translated back to the other languages a proper story harmonized with the name. In the end Peter Simon’s faith was compared to a rock and the Christianity was based on him. 4 Popes Infallible Although six Popes rejected the idea that Popes are infallible, in 1870, the Vatican Council nevertheless made papal infallibility a church dogma. This teaching says that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks and defines a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the entire church, that he is infallible, and consequently such decisions are irreformable. However, Pope after Pope contradicted previous Popes. And, Popes have taken to themselves lofty titles, such as “Most Holy Lord,” “Vicar of Christ,” “the mouth of Jesus Christ.” Etc. On June 20, 1894, Pope Leo XIII said, “We hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty.” As early as 1612, Andreas Helwing pointed out in his book, Roman Antichrist, that the title “Vicar of Christ” in Latin, Vicarivs Filli Dei, has a numerical value of 666 (see Revelation 13:18). Numerous other names and titles add up to the same auspicious number. The original name of Rome was Saturnia, the secret name revealed only to initiates of the early ancient Assyrian magicians and astronomers (The Chaldeans) mysteries, which it was spelled STUR. In their language, S represent 60, T was 400, U was 6, and R was 200, for a total of 666. In the Bible itself, we read that each year, King Solomon received 666 talent of gold, (I Kings 10:14) wealth played an important part in leading him astray. In the New Testament, the letters of the Greek word euporia, translated “wealth,” in Acts 19:25, add up to 666, as does the word paradosis, translated “tradition” in Mathew 15:2. Wealth and tradition were the two great corruptors of the Roman Church, then and now. Wealth corrupted practice and honesty; tradition corrupted doctrine. Inquisition, Then and Now Numerous Popes promulgated “bulls,” official documents, which encouraged torture and murder of those who opposed the Roman Catholic religious system. The methods of gruesome torture devised during the period of the Inquisition are a testimony to the corrupt influence of Satanically inspired human beings apart from God. Ten thousands Huguenots (French Protestants) were killed in the bloody Paris massacre on “St. Bartholomew’s Day,” 1572. The French King went to mass to return solemn thanks that so many “heretics” were slain. The Papal court rejoiced at the news, and Pope Gregory XIII in grand procession, went to the Church of St. Louis to offer 5 thanks. Inquisitions was ordered by Papal decree and confirmed by Pope after Pope. This does not detract from Hitler’s Pope. Pius XII, who abetted the Nazi regime. Hitler would never come to power had it not been for Vatican support along with the support of the Zionist Rothschild in creation a state for Israel (A reverse physiological politics.) While the uninformed Jews alongside the innocent ones, and others died in Nazi concentration camps, the Pope and Zionists who knew what was going on were silent. And after the war, the church with it’s Zionist partners were instrumental in helping Nazis to escape via the infamous “ratlines.” In order to save their dirty secret from exposing. There appears to be nothing new, no change of heart, in the Roman system. Repentance, not political apologies, is the only avenue for those enmeshed in the Romish system of Babylon (Zionist Vatican.) The way to repent for Papists is to renounce the Babylonish system, to come out of her. “Lords over God’s Heritage” The highest-ranking officials of the Roman Catholic Church, next to the Pope, are Cardinals. You won’t find Cardinals mentioned in the Bible. The Original Cardinals were a group of leading priests in ancient Pagan religion of Rome. Long before the Christian era. The word “Cardinal” comes from the Latin Cardo, meaning “hinges,” Cardo was used as Caldo for the Assyrians who were converted to Catholicism, because hinges turned the Catholicism’s door toward Middle and near East. Even today, the word “Janitor.” A keeper of doors, comes from Janus, known as “the opener and shutter.” As we are told in the Bible, only Christ opens and shuts doors, (Revelation 3:7-8.) Hislop reports, “The college of Cardinals, with the Pope at its head, is just the counterpart of the pagan college of Pontiffs, with its Pontifex Maximus, or Sovereign Pontiff, which is known to have been framed on the model of the grand original council of Pontiffs at Babylon.” Cardinals wear red garments. It not surprising that images of Chaldeans had vermillion (bright red). From ancient Assyrian times, red or scarlet has been associated with sin, (Isaiah 1:18) Adultery is sometimes called the scarlet sin, and houses of prostitutions are in the “red light district.” Bishops are mentioned in the Bible, but here again, are mentioned in the Bible, but here again, Catholics traditions perverts the Truth. The word, Cathedral,” comes from cathedra, meaning “throne.” A cathedral, unlike other churches, is one in which the throne of a bishop is located. Acts (Acts 20:17, 28; Titus 1:5,7) indicates that bishops, elders, pastors, overseers, are 6 the same office. Each Church had several elders who were also bishops. We are warned to avoid the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, Which comes from the word nikao, “to conquer,” and laos, “laity,” which refers to the notion of a priestly order over the people. Peter instructs church leaders not to be “lords over God’s heritage,” (I Peter 5:1-3.) The word translated “heritage” is kleeron, which means “clergy.” All spirit-begotten children of Ashur(God) are his heritage. His “clergy.” God has ministry for all his people, not just a special priestly class. Elders (plural) are to be ordained in every city, (Acts 14:19-23; James 5:14). We believers are a royal priesthood, (Revelation 1:6; I Peter 2:9.) We are not to give flattering titles to religious leaders, (Job 32:21; Mathew 23:9-12.) “Pope” is a variation of the title “father,” Catholic priests are called “fathers.” And so it was that in one of the leading branches of the mystery religion which came to Rome, Mithraism, the priests were called “fathers,” and the head priest who always lived at Rome was called Pater Patrum, “fathers of fathers.” Since Christ told Christians not to call religious leaders “Father,” and pagan priests of Rome used this title, did the Catholics get this practice from the Bible, or from paganism? The Bible gives an example of a pagan priest being called “Father,” (Judges 17:10). Catholics use the title, “Monsignor,” meaning “My Lord.” One of the meaning of “Arch” is master, and Catholics use titles such as Archbishop, Archpriest, and Archdeacon. Not to be outdone, English clergy uses titles such as “The Reverend,” “The Right Reverend,” etc,. while the Bible uses “reverend” only in reference to God Himself, (Psalm 111:9.) Sexual excess goes hand in hand with celibacy. Strange as it sounds, it is said that the Queen Shamiram [(Queen Semiramis.), against to some historical rumors, she was not in love with the Armenian king or any other individual. She stayed unmarried till her dead.] invented clerical celibacy. [ Nun is another clerical celibacy adopted from Semiramis story by the Catholics. (I personally have a great respect, above and beyond for the Nuns, because of their hard work in serving poor, ill, and elderly, regardless their religion or nationality] When the worship of Cybele, the Babylonian Goddess, was introduced into pagan Rome, it came in its primitive form, with its celibate clergy. As in pagan times, temple celibates were actually involved in licentious sexual practices. “Forbidding to marry” led to sexual license. This has shown its ugly head many times during the history of the Roman Catholic Church, although doubtless, many priests and Nuns have been faithful to their vows 7 of celibacy. Forbidding priests and Nuns to marry (contrary to I Timothy 4: 1-3), along with the practice of the confessional was bound to cause some weak individuals to sin. There is a tremendous power that a priest has over someone that is bound to divulge their sins to a priest, a practice held to be necessary for salvation. The Bible says we should confess our faults one to another (James 5:16) not to a priest. The idea of confessing to a priest came, not from the Bible, but from Babylon. Secret confession was required before complete initiation was granted into the Babylonian mysteries. Such priestly confession was practiced in Medo-Persia, Egypt, and Rome, long before the Christian Era. Almost everywhere you look at the Romish system, you find pagan origins. Even the usual black color of clergy garments worn by priests and some protestants, follows the custom of the priests of Baal, chemarims, who wore black garments (Zephaniah 1:4; II kings 23:5). As Adam Clarke notes, they were called kemarim, from camar (Komour in Assyrian), which means black. He says that Jews today call Christian missionaries Kemarim, because of their black cloths and garments. Another practice of the Catholic priesthood is that of tonsure, the rite of shaving the top of the head in a round circle. Sumerian Priests, Buddhists priests, the priests of Osiris of Egypt, Priests of Bacchus, and Mithra priests, also practiced tonsure, the round tonsure imitating a solar disk. Such was forbidden of God’s people, “They shall not make baldness upon their head,” (Leviticus 21:5, 19:27). David Gavary Los Angeles, Ca, --------------------- |
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