The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: a bounty on Blacks...

Re: a bounty on Blacks...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Monday, July 20 2015, 18:05:17 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Safari
Website title: Document Has Moved

"...what if you wanted to kill Blacks [or Browns] but wanted it done could you manage it? One way would be to join the police force [or the armed forces] of any major city [or any war against brown folks... mainly Muslim Arabs] where there are bound to be lots to choose from [or where there's oil and other resources your corporations want to covet]....then you patrol the streets [or illegally occupy their country] looking for "suspicious" looking men who might pose a "threat" to you, [or petrified locals trying to do their best to protect their loved ones and their homes] if you abuse them properly [treat them as subhumans] .....then you shoot them, in the back or head or even as they run from you and are of course unarmed, it's safer that way.

And it's perfectly legal. Ok, so your city might have to pay some damages, [lesser chances of your country having to make a formal apology, let alone pay for your crimes against humanity -- as a matter of fact, you'll get a medal] but it's worth it to you because a few hundred thousand dollars [or a multi-million dollar book deal followed by a film directed by Clint Eastwood] is a small price to pay for preserving [the "exceptional nation" of] "the white race" [built on the broken backs of Blacks and Brown people's heritage -- from those of the indigenous tribes whose lives were extinguished for land and gold, to those of the East whose gas and oil is much more precious to the West than their breath and blood].

* Italics mine.



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