Sometime You Have To Recognize The LittleShit...

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Posted by pancho from ( on Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 8:32PM :

In Reply to: Dear Fred, why this suicide ? posted by andreas from ( on Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 6:59PM :

Well, I'll tell you Andreas...I want to make sure we get to court quickly...I don't want Jackie backing off at the last minute...sure she's done all the damage she wanted to...kind of "let me off" you know.

I'm moving overseas..I mean this site...then I'm setting up another site in another there will be two. Myself, I'm not going to be living in the United States, I can be poor anywhere, and I can sell from anywhere...see Assyrians have to think little postage stamp enclave for us.

Now I sure as hell don't want to revisit Jackie's anatomy any more...but I've got all these posts....

I told Shawn the best way to get me to stop is to get me to court. Now I maintain that a clever fellow can stay just barely within the limits of the law and still bat Jackie around.

This isn't's murder. If Jackie, Nimrod and Golani get away with what they did, they succeed in putting a cap on our development...they get to remain the gatekeepers determining what will be allowed to survive and what has to go...we can't afford much more of that.

As much as people with volkswagons are impressed by Jackie...she is the worst of the worst because she is able to cynnically manipulate us so easily. People see her as vastly capable...she is, at the few things she does well. She's also very careful to attempt nothing meaningful or challenging. A beauty pageant disguised as an awards show...Youth Excellence that wallows in self-congratulatory mediocrity...a champagne brunch cum horror show...some day care centers in Iraq and a whole lot of bullshit, backstabbing and bad-mouthing behind our backs.

This kind of person should at least be drawn in broader strokes than she has been...

I want to teach these leader shmucks just how powerful Art is. I don't mean a painting on your wall, or a song on the radio...I mean its ability to tackle even issues of leadership and power and all that stuff. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword...and the pink doll is even more powerful...cause a picture is worth a thousand words...and each word is stronger than any number of swords.

Jackie and most of our people think of the Arts as interior design, as they think of poetry as a good excuse to pull people together to be impressed by those doing the pulling...not the poetry, not REALLY.

If we see just what the Arts can do...maybe we'll believe they can be a more potent force than all our political idiots and conferences and National Questions rolled into one. Using the Arts I think I can stay several steps ahead of Jackie and any number of Shawns. respect us...or it will go badly for you. At the least, just leave us alone.

Without the Arts...nothing would remain of Assyria. Who'd go to a museum to see the remains of a ledger some dusty old broad used while making a fortune from dried meat 3000 years ago? What would a Jackie or a Nimrod have left behind that could bring any honor to our name...nothing...except insofar as they supported an artist back then to create something.

We've got it exactly backwards as a Culture...we fall over doctors and lawyers and shop keepers when these people are buried in the moment and when the moment passes, will fade with it. Only the Arts...only the Humanities remain to inform us of the very essence of what a people were...not clean ledgers or chariots or German cars.

Hopefully I'll make the point....but even if I don't, it was worth the effort. You don;t have to succeed, you have to try.

-- pancho
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