The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: yes but....

Re: yes but....
Posted by aheist (Guest) - Saturday, July 31 2010, 13:56:20 (UTC)
from - Mexico - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...but I donīt think thatīs the real reason, I mean that theyīre "locked in"...or, if they are, then they are locked in by the same crooks....just because everyone in the world is addicted to heroin doesnīt mean thatīs the way it has to be...itīs the way it has come to be, but with a little study one can see just how this system was foisted onto governments.

The biggest reason Greece canīt change is because their own money-crazies have the government by the short hairs and, the international money-pimps would punish the country even more, devalue everything and leave it a smoking ruin( as America has tried to do with Cuba) banks are the real rulers, not politicians and certainly not the people...and they own the Media and school boards etc.

It really is "that simple" to eventually get off this false-value notion where our lives are owned by private banks...but it will take some much more serious crisis to begin..and it will come.

Once slavery was the way of the world and then Feudalism and then capitalism which quickly degenerated into counterfeit money and sleight of hand tricks and hedge funds and all sorts of non-productive ways to make gobs of money...but the People are suffering and will only suffer more...and borrowing even more from bankers, no matter how much we trim "spending", will never solve the basic problem which is that a few private people control the worldīs wealth and hence the ability of all of us to feed our is that simple and basic and yes, it will change someday....this system has exhausted itself and spread ruin, not wealth, over the earth.

True wealth relates to quality of life for the majority of the people, not a few billionaires. I donīt consider crumbs, no matter how fine they are, from the groaning tables of the rich to be "just compensation" for everythign else they have cost real terms people aremaking less money and working ever harder, with both parents working...and it wonīt stay this will either get worse or have to get better, nothing remains static, and the way things have been trending, it will only get worse...and doesnīt matter a ratīs ass whether the game is played with gold, silver, oil or cheese, itīs the GAME thatīs the problem.


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